Program Overview

The Master of Public Administration is a highly competitive 18-month coursework online program + 6 months fieldwork program for government and non-profit employees with prior experience. The demanding structure will assist working professionals in managerial jobs in public administration, nonprofit administration, urban planning, criminal justice, or comparable fields. If applicants have prior expertise in these fields and are not already employed in the public or nonprofit sectors, they will be evaluated.

  • 24 Months online Program.

  • Specially Designed for Working Professionals.

  • Evaluate the latest public administration paradigms.

  • Discover the latest public administration standards.

Achieve Your Dream

    Master of Public Administration

    In our two-year Master of Public Administration (MPA) program, you'll learn how to analyze governance, policy-making, and administration in a variety of government settings. Learn how organizations cope with key policy issues and the social repercussions of policy choices by studying public policy design. You'll look at things from a local, national, and global viewpoint. On a local to global scale, understanding the function of public administration in implementing government policies may benefit both people and society.

    Why you should Join the Program:

    A thorough and culturally sensitive grasp of the core principles and concerns that drive public administration practice across the world.
    A deep awareness of public policy and management procedures, as well as the elements that might impact the success or failure of public initiatives.
    An awareness of the government's leadership and management relationships.
    A critical grasp of public finance on a global, national, and subnational scale.

    During the program, you will learn about:

    • Policymaking and administration in the twenty-first century.
    • Conception and implementation of public policy.
    • Theoretical and practical viewpoints on public administration.
    • Public administration practice.
    • Public and non-profit organizations, as well as their responses to important policy issues.
    • The social consequences of policy decisions.
    • Discussions over the study's philosophical and methodological foundations.

    General Admission Requirements:

    Candidates are eligible for admission by satisfying the following admissions criteria:
    • A bachelor’s / Undergraduate degree.

    • Submission and evaluation of graduate school applications including; undergraduate academic transcripts, ID or passport copy, and resume.

    • Applicants for the MPA program are exempted from an English exam provided they completed their schooling years and/or bachelor’s program at a recognized school where the medium of teaching is English.

    Application Go Through:

    Applications are only accepted online. Once the application form is received, our team looks after the past performance and future potential and will contact you accordingly.

    What is Next?:

    Once the Admission Committee reviews your application with +ve response, you will receive a letter of admission. Having processed the payment, you will receive an email with your login credentials and will be granted access to our Learn Management System.

    The Curriculum

    The Master of Public Administration curriculum consists of 20 core courses (80 credits), 2 personality enhancement programs (4 credits), one internship training evaluation in the third semester (6 credits), and a final dissertation/project report on certain public administration issues in the final semester in independent study mode with the help of tutor (30 credits). So overall MPA program is a 120-credit program.

    Modules during your First Year

    First Semester (30 Credits)

    • Principles of Public Administration

      In this module, you will learn about Meaning, Nature, Scope and importance of Public Administration, Public Corporations, The Bureau Boards/Commissions, Principles of Organizations, Centralization Vs Decentralization, Personnel Administration, Corruption: Concept, Causes and Remedies, Financial Administration etc.

    • Administrative Thinkers

      In this module, you will learn about Neo _ Classical School – Elton Mayo- Mary Parker Follet – C. I. Barnard, Behavioral School – Herbert. A. Simon- Rensis Likert- Riggs, Socio-Psychological School – Abraham Maslow -McGregor- Herzberg, Classical School – F. W. Taylor – Henri Fayol- Elton Mayo-Luther Gullick- Max Weber,

    • Contemporary Political Theory

      A course called Contemporary Political Theory seeks to outline the main ideas and theories of ​​contemporary political relevance. The module discusses the political views of leading thinkers and important debates in liberal democracies and those who oppose it. It also focuses on other major political theories such as Marxism, feminism and green political thought.
    • Public Administration & Governance : Concepts & Theories

      The course is an introduction to the concepts and theories of public administration paradigm shift in the study of state and community-economic relations, public administration government. Issues related to governance and public governance creating many ideas for better management, state power and politics planning and facilitating implementation.

    • Public Policy

      TThis course is designed to introduce students to the concepts of public policy design, implementation and monitoring. It also covers the main principles and policy analysis concepts. The system considers the relationship between public goals and policy design, objectives and policy design, studying the use of policy tools such as policy, contracts, privatization, incentives, markets and subsidies.

    • Ethics in Governance

      This course examines the rationale for making ethical decisions in public and corporate governance. Some ethical dilemmas are changing in the public administration is examined in the context of globalization. Government efforts are underway supporting ethics and corporate governance, fighting corruption and enforcing the Capacity has been assessed through many practices and e-government.

    • Local Government & Administration

      In this module, you will learn about Nature & Scope of Local Government, Rural Local Government, Urban Local Government, Role of Political Parties in Local Bodies, Women Representation in Local Bodies, Corruption in Rural and Urban Local Bodies etc.

    • Communication Skills

      At the end of this module, the student will acquire the soft skills necessary to work together and as a team player and will add value to any business / organization. The module will enhances the individual skill sets.

    Second Semester (30 Credits)

    • Public Relations

      In this module, you will learn about Definitions and Scope of Public Relations, Goals of Public Relation, types of Public Relations, Classification of Public, Tools for Public Relation, Public Relation Agencies, PRO’s etc.

    • Police Administration

      In this module, you will learn about Scope and importance of Police Administration, Police Organization in Swiss Central Police system, Police in Union Territories, Police Personnel Management, Police Behaviour Autonomy and Accountability etc.
    • Organizational Behaviour

      In this module, you will learn about need, nature & scope of Organization Behaviour, Individual Behaviour, Process of Organization, Issues of Organization Behaviour, Organization Dynamics etc.

    • Legal Issues in Public Administration

      This public administration course deals with the legal basis of government authority and the ways in which legal processes authorize yet limit executive action. Using statute and case law, key executives study the delegation of legislative power, rule-making, administrative appeals, and judicial review.

    • Foundations of Policy Analysis

      This public policy course introduces students to the scope, methods, issues, and evolution of policy studies. Students learn and apply various frameworks for approaching the enterprise of policy analysis, become familiar with the logic and applicability of analytical techniques, and gain an appreciation for the ethical issue, values, and context of government policy.

    • Public Managerial Economics

      This online course introduces students to the concepts managers need to become informed consumers of microeconomics-based policy analysis, including resource scarcity; opportunity cost; supply and demand; consumer and producer surplus; market equilibrium; competitive markets; economic efficiency; market failure; intended and unintended consequences of policy interventions; equity; and cost-benefit principles.

    • Budgeting and Financial Management

      This online class teaches students about public sector budgeting and budgetary processes, including budget execution and control, cost estimation, capital financing and debt management, performance budgeting, cost-benefit analysis, basic government accounting, and financial statements

    • Communication Skills

      At the end of this module, the student will acquire the soft skills necessary to work together and as a team player and will add value to any business / organization. The module will enhances the individual skill sets.

    Modules during your Second Year

    Third Semester (30 Credits)

    • Quantitative Methods

      This course prepares students to conduct and interpret statistical analysis. They learn how to describe samples and how to make inferences about populations from samples. They gain an understanding of bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques, as well as hands-on experience using statistical software to work with datasets.

    • Foundations of Program Evaluation

      This course introduces students to research designs and related methodological tools used to evaluate the need for a program or policy, its implementation, and its impact on key outcomes. Students learn how to design, conduct, and critique evaluations, as well as how organizational, programmatic, and political factors can influence evaluation.

    • Organizational Analysis

      This course examines concepts and theories that explain organizations and organizational behavior including factors such as the nature of the political environment, organizational structure, staffing, information management, and budgetary constraints. The impact of these factors is explored in the context of policy development and implementation.
    • Managing Human Capital Assets

      This course explains policies and managerial processes for human capital including staffing, human resource development, classification, performance appraisal, equal employment opportunity, and labor-management relations.

    • Leadership in a Changing Workplace

      In this course students develop their leadership style and capacity. It includes supervision, motivation, team-building, group dynamics, communication skills, conflict resolution, effective work relationships, employee development, and diversity.

    • Project Management

      This course conveys fundamental concepts of project management for carrying out discrete operations in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or private sector organizations providing public services. This includes project design, planning, scheduling, systems engineering, cost estimation, innovation, and processes for conducting high-risk operations in risk-averse environments.

    • Internship Evaluation

      Internship reports needs to be submitted based on your seminars, workshops and post first year research.

    Fourth Semester (30 Credits)

    • Dissertation / Project Report

      This course affords students exposure to the institutional, legal, and ethical dimensions of policy analysis in organizational settings. Students perform a policy analysis project for a client with the help of tutor.

      You need to submit that proper dissertation/project report of all the field work done in the semester.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • How much time should I spend on coursework each week?

      Expect approximately 16 hours of work per week. This may include lecture videos, readings, discussions and assessments.

    • I’m worried about the time zone difference; how will this work for live lectures?

      Live sessions will take place according on different time zones.

    • What kind of support is available?

      As an online student, you will have access to several types of support resources when you need help or guidance, beginning with new student orientation. Other services include a help desk for technical issues, a student services coordinator, financial aid advisers and more.

    • How long does it take to complete the MPH program?

      The online program can be completed in two years, not including the time required to complete the practicum and culminating project.

    • Is the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) required?

      The TOEFL test is required if you are applying from non-English speaking countries.

    • What is the application process like?

      All application materials for the MPH program can be submitted onlin

    • Will I have to do an internship in the MPH program?

      You will need to complete at least two different internship experiences encompassed in the applied practice experience, which is required for the MPH program

    • Is an MPH a doctor?

      No, an MPH is not a doctor. An MPH is a master’s-level degree in public health; however, depending on the job role, a public health professional can be viewed as a public health practitioner providing information and select health services to individuals.

    • Are the lectures pre-recorded or are there any live lectures?

      All online courses are live online not pre-recorded session. Beside that, there are often live workshops/masterclasses organized.

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