ne crucial reason for pursuing a doctorate degree in education is to make optimum use of the opportunity to research in a niche subject that one is passionate about. A doctorate in education is the highest level degree and academic qualification that entails intensive research and production of novel idea that contributes to the growth of the discipline. A doctorate degree gives you the scope to exploit the opportunity of materializing your passion and thirst for knowledge. So how to get doctorate degree? Through this blog, let us delineate the process involved in getting a doctorate in education. We shall also explore the various ways on how to doctorate degree and identify the best options available for passionate individuals.

How to get a doctorate in Education?

The trajectory to attaining a doctorate in education may vary from field to field and also vary depending on the institution, However, there are a few fundamental steps that mandate a candidate to fulfil to be conferred a doctorate degree. 

Earn the basic educational qualifications:

The primary step to embark on your doctoral journey is to attain all the necessary basic qualifications. Your query about how to get a doctorate in education will commence with fulfilling the basic qualification that will lead to the degree attainment. A student typically begins by earning a bachelor's degree in the initial stage, then followed by a master's degree in the discipline of education.

Your academical performance in both your master's and bachelor's degrees are crucial in determining your potential, interest and commitment to education and the inherent processes involved in acquiring knowledge. Often, selection committees for the doctoral admission programmes examines students post graduate level coursework to determine if the candidate would be a good fit for the online doctorate programme.

Get your GRE Score: 

While this may not be a mandatory criterion, some of the top universities that offer a doctorate degree in education and several other disciplines like Business studies, Management programmes, STEM subjects, or natural sciences demand students to provide their GRE scores.

Many overseas institutions like in the US, Canada, UK, India, Australia, and several other Asian and European countries give preference for GRE. If you are wondering how to get a doctorate degree in business, taking a GRE would be a mandatory step, as most MBA courses and business programmes mandate GRE scores. 

Decide on your Niche are: 

Another crucial factor to take into account while pondering how to get doctorate degree, is to decide which area you want to build your niche on. Deciding your area of specialisation is the most crucial step as the three to five years long commitment to a research will depend on your passion, subject interest, potential and the zeal to prolong your studies.

You must choose a research area that best resonates your passion and what you want to achieve from the research. A doctorate programmes is a rigorous process that demands unrelenting attention and the enthusiasm for a success. Your deliberation about how to get doctorate degree significantly relies on what you want to research upon. 

Apply to Doctorate of Education Programme: 

Upon having attained the requisite degrees and your decision of your area of specialisation, the next step is to research for the best Universities that offers the programme of your choice. Remember that the institution/university, its reputation and the quality of programme play a crucial part in your career.

Your doctoral degree in education from a reputed institution with give you the advantage of being valued better than the rest of your competitors. Prospective students must therefore research about the institution, the quality of the programme and the faculty members to ensure that your investment is worth it. There are various specialisations in the Doctorate of Education programme. Choose your specialisation wisely and apply accordingly. 

Complete the programme Coursework: 

Coursework is a key component in a doctoral programme, The duration and expanse of the coursework will vary depending on the institution you choose. Typically, the first year of the doctoral programme is entitled for the coursework, where students get to learn in-depth research methodologies in their respective areas and arrive at a solid research thesis proposal or selection of topic. Students must ensure completing the coursework and fulfilling the coursework criteria to move further into the research programme. 

Complete Research and Defend your Dissertation:

The step following coursework is the development of the thesis by undertaking intensive and rigorous research. In the research students will record their findings, analyse them thoroughly and present it comprehensively in their dissertation. The final stage of the doctorate programme is the oral defence of the research dissertation in the presence of a research committee/ panel. Upon the successful dissertation defence, the student will be conferred a doctorate degree. 

How to get a doctorate online? 

Students are now provided with multiple options today, making quality education more accessible. Aspiring students can now opt for virtual learning option and attain their degrees while working simultaneously. So, how to get a doctorate online? The process of getting a doctorate degree online is similar to that of the conventional in-campus programmes. Several institutions offer online doctoral programmes, yet the quality must be assessed in order to ensure you get the best. 

Answer to how to get a doctorate degree online

Research on the top online institutions and make sure their programme offerings align with your career goals and that you can integrate the study schedule into your daily routine. The steps would remain the same as to enrolling in an offline programme. 

How to get a doctoral or professional doctorate?

Given the importance of highly qualified professionals, several industries have started demanding for professionals with a doctorate degree to lead and manage organization efficiently. For instance, a doctorate degree in business has become core to attaining executive level positions. They are expected to have profound leadership qualities coupled with advanced knowledge in the nuances of the profession powered by research. 

How to get a doctorate degree in Business?

To get a doctorate degree in business, students may look for institutions that offer a Doctorate in Business Administration programme. This degree can also be attained through online method.

Possessing a high educational qualification gives professionals the extra advantage in today's competitive job market. Sign up today and get yourself ready.