Program Overview

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) program is designed for experienced professionals who want a deeper understanding of the guiding principles of global business. The program emphasizes advanced decision-making and leadership skills and a sound knowledge of theory and applied research. PhD students get the opportunity to explore the challenges faced in today’s business world including corporate social responsibility, globalization, and managing changes.

  • 36 Months online Program.

  • Specially Designed for Working Professionals

  • International Networking Opportunities.

  • Highly Qualified Industry Experienced Faculties.

  • Ample no. of specializations to choose from.

  • Get a holistic and strategic understanding of concepts.

  • Discover the latest industry trends.

  • Develop real-life problem-solving abilities.

Achieve Your Dream

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    EIMT's Ph.D program is a unique three-year Ph.D program with classes held primarily on weekends to accommodate the busy schedules of degree-seeking officers, professionals, and academics. The director of the doctorate program and other faculty members can hold interviews with suitable applicants after assessing their application documents. Candidates who have already earned a master's degree and want to deepen their theoretical and practical understanding of global economic principles should pursue a doctor of philosophy (PhD). Our doctorate degrees place a strong focus on developing advanced leadership and decision-making abilities as well as in-depth theoretical understanding.

    Performance outcomes required to complete the program include class attendance, answering discussion questions, writing research papers, group assignments, case study analysis, quizzes, comprehensive learning assessments, and Ph.D Includes dissertation. Ph.D studies at EIMT are intensive and individualized, requiring a great deal of time, initiative, and discipline from each candidate. But the payoff for such rigor is enormous. EIMT graduate students teach and conduct research at some of the world's most prestigious institutions. The Ph.D program provides candidates with the skills necessary for the highest positions in business, including leadership roles, business consulting, and college-level education.

    Admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) program is strictly selective. Master's degree; preferably 3+ years of academic, business, or technical experience in a managerial or technical position.

    Program learning outcomes prepare students to

    • Creating the effective presentation of business analysis, research and recommendations which is to target the audience through verbal communication or written specific and appropriate practices and forms.
    • Evaluate how the relationship between vision and tactics leads to meaningful and successful strategy in a complex business environment.
    • State how transformative leadership can improve the achievement of business objectives, regardless of the organisation's location.
    • Criticize the idea that a broader understanding of cultural differences leads to an individual's ability to positively influence business strategy.
    • Can use internal and external criteria to determine and measure how the organization functions to maximize both the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.
    • Justifying ethical decisions related to social issues to optimize organizational effectiveness in a global environment.
    • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Programmes Offered

    Created for managers, leaders, consultants and educators, EIMT’s Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program enhances the competencies of its candidates, enabling them to make significant management and leadership contributions to their organizations.

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    • Eligibility: Master's Degree
    • Duration: 36 Months
    • Enrollment: Being online - Throughout the Year

    Why Earn your Ph.D with EIMT

    EIMT Unique Curriculum

    The curriculum is relevant and focused, providing you the opportunity to develop unique individualized projects.

    The curriculum is relevant and focused, providing you the opportunity to develop unique individualized projects.

    Application of Knowledge

    The Program allows you to apply management theories and put them into practice.

    The Program allows you to apply management theories and put them into practice.

    Industry Experience Faculty

    Work with credentialed faculty with years of industry experience.

    Work with credentialed faculty with years of industry experience.


    Courses are designed to build on knowledge and sequentially.

    Courses are designed to build on knowledge and sequentially.

    Outcomes of the Program:

    Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the literature and a comprehensive understanding of methods and techniques applicable to one's research.
    Discover, interpret, and communicate new knowledge through original research of publishable quality, satisfy peer review, and demonstrate a considerable range of advanced professional skills and the ability to act autonomously in the planning and conduct of research.
    Have to make the creative evaluation of advanced scholarship on the current issues, research and discipline.
    Manage complex ethical and professional issues and make informed decisions about ethical issues that concern you.
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    Important Information Regarding PhD Program

    Program Delivery

    The Ph.D program is a full-time online programme delivered through a blended learning paradigm comprising research papers, group assignments, case study analysis, quizzes, comprehensive learning assessment, workshops, seminars, project submission, conference participation, a dissertation, and self-directed study, designed to allow you to achieve a doctoral degree without putting your job on hold.

    You can use your classroom learning and project knowledge in your current job experience that will make a difference in the profession you have chosen.

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    Professional Professors

    EIMT, with the experienced faculty having a deep understanding of the field and getting selected for their excellence in teaching. The student will be getting the best education that will also help them with their academics under the supervision of experts who are also multiple award winners.

    We also collaborate with multiple renowned and top scholars across the world. We believe that technology is the key to good education. So you must get your education from experts and highly skilled professors who already have experience in the industry.

    Admission Requirements:

    Candidates are eligible for admission by satisfying the following admissions criteria:
    • Master’s degree in any field regionally accredited college or university with an earned Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.00 or above.

    • Work experience within a for-profit firm, non-profit organizations, and/or government including NGOs.

    • Applicant interview if necessary as determined by Program Director.

    • Submission and evaluation of graduate school applications including; undergraduate and masters academic transcripts, ID or passport copy, and resume.

    • Applicants for the Doctorate program DBA, are exempted from an English exam provided they completed their schooling years and/or bachelor’s program at a recognized school where the medium of teaching is English.

    Application Go Through:

    Applications are only accepted online. Once the application form is received, our team looks after a past performance and future potential and will contact you accordingly.

    What is Next?:

    Once the Admission Committee reviews your application with +ve response, you will receive a letter of admission. Having processed the payment, you will receive an email with your login credentials and will be granted access to our Learn Management System.

    Graduation Requirements:

    • Ph.D Candidates must earn a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher and be in good academic standing.

    • All program requirements must be completed, including the final dissertation/thesis submission.

    The Curriculum

    The DBA at EIMT is designed in this sort of way that scholars end within 3 years. Extension years are usually not granted. The program generally comprises mainly to three phases:-

    1) Course Work: This phase generally is your first semester and comprises various research methods and techniques, 2-3 elective subjects related to the Ph.D stream you have chosen, research paper activities, seminars, and the completion of other basic requirements for the program. Most of the graduates often select their topic of research in this phase. It is also very important for the student to appear for a comprehensive exam after they have completed their course.

    2) Research Lab: First of all, after learning the comprehensive exam, the candidate has to give a seminar covering the state of the art in the area of research. Further, this phase includes data collection and analysis relating to the topic of research. Your synopsis submissions, and progress report submissions every six months,multiple seminars and presentations are also included in this phase.

    3) Doctoral Thesis:Before proceeding to the final submission of the thesis, the student is required to deliver a seminar covering the research work to obtain relevant feedback and suggestions. The thesis is submitted to the academic section after the open seminar. After the submission of the thesis, it is sent for evaluation by external experts. After the satisfactory evaluation of the thesis, students have to prepare for their final seminar as a part of the oral examination to the oral board, which will be reflected in the final result of the Ph.D degree. The scholar will be guided and supervised by the research faculty.

    During each of these phases, the scholar will be guided and supervised by a supervisor or research faculty.

    Table 1 provides the curriculum map (course structure to be followed) showing the progression of mastery of materials.

    Semester Phase What's inside
    1 Course Work 1. Research Methods
    2. Qualitative Methods & Techniques
    3. Quantitative Methods & Techniques
    4. Research Tools
    5. The Research Proposal
    2-3 Research Lab Data Collection and Analysis
    4-5-6 Doctoral Thesis Doctoral Thesis (Dissertation)

    1. Study Section (Modules) 2. Study Section (Thesis)

    30 ECTS / 5 modules at 6 ECTS Each 150 ECTS - The thesis contributes around 85% to the overall result of the doctoral studies.

    Within 2nd - 7th Month:

    Selection For Course Work.
    Fee Submission For Course Work.
    Beginning of Course Work and Allocation of Supervisor / Research Faculty.
    (Note: Eager to know more about the activities of the coursework? Check There

    Within 8th - 10th Month:

    Synopsis Submission in five copies.
    RDC (Research Department Committee) work starts.
    (Note: Eager to know more about the activities involved in the RDC? Check There

    Within 10th - 12th Month:

    Fee Submission after the 3 months of RDC.
    5-6 monthly progress reports submission duly signed by supervisor electronically.

    Within 13th - 33th Month*:

    Fee Submission after the 6 months of RDC.
    6 monthly progress reports submission duly signed by supervisor electronically.
    Pre Submission Defence Committee (PSDC)
    Thesis Submission in five copies duly signed by supervisor.
    (Note: Eager to know more about the activities involved in the PSDC? Check There

    Within 34th - 36th Month:

    Final Viva-voice (after receiving reports from External Examiners).
    Award of Doctorate.
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    • May I apply to more than one department at the same time?

      Yes, maybe. The admission process for each faculty is independent and a separate fee is charged for each application. However, he can only enroll in one faculty and must make this decision within the deadlines indicated in the offer letter.

    • If I applied previously but my application was rejected, may I reapply?

      Yes, you may reapply. You will need to fill out a completely new online application for this purpose.

    • Are there any interactions possible with other students?

      The online programs offer students to discuss various topics on our EIMT Connect platform.

    • How can I access the online learning platform?

      Once you are officially enrolled, we will provide you with all the details, instructions and your login information.

    • Will I receive a paper certificate after graduation?

      Each student will receive their certificate by email as well as we can send the paper certificate by postal mail.

    • Will I have a personal Supervisor?

      Each student will receive a personal supervisor or research faculty once they are enrolled in the program. The personal supervisor or research faculty is here to support you regarding any administrative issues or general questions regarding the program.

    • When do I need to choose my Research Topic ?

      After your successful enrolment, you need to finalise your research topic within 6 months.

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